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Whole School Events

Our Special event weeks each term provide opportunities for us all to work together and involve our parents in our learning. They are based on specific stories to give opportunities for write for a purpose, drama, dance, music, art, design technology, ICT and maths.

We believe our special event weeks give our children opportunities for SMSC through awe and wonder, imagination, cultural awareness and creativity,

Recent special event weeks have been

“Bike Week” – linked to science. We learned about how a bike moves, what you need to do to keep it safe to ride and the balance you need to be able to ride one.

3 x E-safety weeks through the year. Our latest e-safety week was about “being kind to others” especially online. We looked at ways to be kind to each other from a smile to brighten someones day to helping them. We also looked at being kind when talking to people online. Just because we can’t see that person then it’s not OK to say unkind things about them. Here are two PowerPoint presentations that the children saw in assembly. Kind Online YouTube Safety

Harvest Week

The children have been learning about where their food comes from and how we can help our environment by buying food locally and not wasting food. We had a visit from The Food Bank and found out how we can help others that may not have enough food. Year 1 had a Harvest Supper and invited their parents in to taste the delicious pasta they made. Year 2 had a potato afternoon where they peeled, chopped, cooked and tasted potatoes. We rounded off the week with our Harvest Festival where we all enjoyed singing the songs we had learnt.

Diwali celebrations

The children have been learning about the Hindu celebration of Diwali. Mrs Dushi has kindly shared with us how she celebrates Diwali with her family. She has taught us lots, including how to make Diva lamps from clay and also how to cook special food. We loved preparing the food for our curry. Janvi, Mrs Dushi’s daughter also  taught us a special dance. It is really important for us all to understand about the celebrations of others. A big thank you to Mrs Dushi and Janvi.

Curriculum Workshops for Parents

We invited the parents in to see how we teach each subjects in school. Teachers were able to show what they teach the children and how the learning is adapted for different levels of learning for each Year group. Parents were able to try out the Beebots and Purple Mash and see how the children use these to learn. See our Curriculum section to find more information.

Winter Warmers

Parents and children were invited back in to school in the evening for bedtime stories. The children joined their parents and carers for snuggly bedtime stories together dressed in their pyjamas and everyone enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate.