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The Friends of Calmore Infant School (FCIS) is a fun and sociable way to bring staff, parents, carers and pupils together in support of our school. Throughout the year we hold a range of events which raise funds but just as importantly, bring together our school community.  To stage our events we rely on the wonderful support of our parents and carers – no amount of time or gesture is too small or insignificant.

Role of the Committee.

Our Committee consists of four Officers: Chair Person – Tracey Oakley, Vice Chairperson – Sarah Burgess, Treasurer – Catherine Adomah and Secretary – Dillon Lodge.  We also have a number of ordinary committee members, who are valued members of the committee.

We meet for meetings 6 times per year, at the start of each half term, to organise and plan events.

Our popular events are:

School Discos, Water Games, Inflatable Events as well as Christmas and Summer Fayres, Secret Santa, and Mother’s and Father’s Day Gift Sale.

We are committed to spending money raised on items and activities that will directly benefit the children and it is at our regular FCIS Committee Meetings that we decide how to distribute our funds. Our funds will go towards improving a particular area of the curriculum or school environment. The funds are for the extras not provided by the school budget that make our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.

Funds raised went towards payments for ICT equipment, Magic Show performance to the whole school, Christmas presents (book) for every child from Father Christmas, Leavers gifts for each child in Year 2 and extra phonics RWI books. In total, FCIS have donated a total of £6348.04 to Calmore Infant School.

Get Involved

There are numerous ways you can get involved with FCIS, ranging from helpers for children’s discos to manning a stall for an hour or so at one of our Fayres. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis. You can, of course, volunteer to be a Committee Member when the committee is up for renewal in September at our yearly AGM or you can give us your ideas for fund-raising events. We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the unseen army of help that exists in school so please do get in touch – we would love to hear from you.

How We Get Information to You

We will keep you informed about our activities and requests for assistance by sending letters in book bags. Updates will be included on the weekly newsletter, will provide you with all you need to know about forthcoming events if you’re interested in helping with any events let the office know and we will be in contact or arrange to meet you in school to speak to you. We now send out a half termly newsletter with forthcoming events. We also have an email –