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Autumn 1

Hello and welcome!

It has been so exciting welcoming your children into our school! They are settling in well and we look forward to working with them over the coming year. In addition to the key learning mentioned in the learning web below, we do change the planning and enrich it with extra learning opportunities led by the children.

This will tell you a little about what will be happening this first Autumn term.

Autumn 1  All About Me

During the first few weeks of your child’s adventure in school, they begin to make friendships, learn the routines of the day, and share their interests and ideas with us.

The children have already loved sharing their ‘All About Me’ books with their teachers and friends. Please complete and bring them in as soon as possible if you have not already done so as they mean so much to the children.

We build up our daily routines and our day is very focussed on play and allowing the children to lead their own learning. We teach phonics every day from the start and gradually build up our maths and keyworker sessions over the next few weeks. We also share songs and stories every day!

On a Wednesday morning we have Mrs Stewart to teach us PE and we have our library book changing time. On Thursday mornings we have PE. On Friday afternoons we have our Forest Friday sessions outside whatever the weather!

Please see our newsletter for more information about our learning each term.